Senin, 09 Maret 2015

I Will Pray for You

So...I woke up like this.

Smell like a shit, my head is full of shitty hell problem. Maybe it's not a very important things for some people, but I don't know they seems flying around flying around on my mind. I just wanna be a really nice and calm girl ever. Cause I have so many things to do than to take this shit as real. But shittttt is goes so REAL. I Damned so hard.

Sometimes, we play with love. But when the time comes and you finally realize that you want to get serious, love plays with you. That's why I told you to not fallin' in love. Fall off a bridge, it hurts less.

Do you guys have enemies or anything that hates you? Having them in life is such a sad thing. Even though I don't hate anyone, I know that there are people out there who hate me. Many times we feel disappointed, angry or sad because things didn't turn out the way we wish it would.

I think this is the right time to me. Enough..enough for making t-o-o much hurt-ed boys and hurt-ed people. Hehe Sorry, for y-o-u-a-l-l. I'm so tired of it all. What's wrong for making a good friends? Huh? Can you guys tell me at least ten reasons?BANG-BANG


Apa cara itu malah bikin gue jadi jahat? Sedikitpun gak ada niat sama sekali buat nyakitin orang. Sampai sekarang, gue masih gak bisa untuk nyakitin hati orang. Gue mungkin emng jadi pihak yang ninggalin semuanya, Gue juga emng ngeladenin aja orang-orang yang gue anggap baik tadi. Yaa...karna gue gak bisa aja buat jahat gitu, buat sok-sok an "Cih..siapasih lo?". I can't do it and I'm sorry...It's me. I just love making a good friends and hate to losing them in the end.

Why do we wake up if we are to sleep? Why do we live if we are to die? Why do we meet if we are to say goodbye? Sometimes I don't get it and most of times I don't like it.

But hy....I just wanna keep this. I just wanna make everyone happy and I always try to make them happy. So when time may no longer exist, that people will remember me. And they smile when do. Thinking about me as beautiful memories. Makanya, walaupun memang harus gue yang meninggalkan...Gue bakalan selalu berusaha buat keep in touch sama mereka. Kalau p-u-n akhirnya mereka memilih untuk dendam, ya bukan salah gue lagi. Setidaknya mereka dulu pernah gue bikin ketawa, I've raised their day before, gue pernah jadi very important person to them dan gue selalu berusaha bikin a good memories buat nantinya mereka bisa kenang lagi.

Sebenernya gue gak apa-apa. Cuma agak gak bisa nerima kenyataan bahwa banyak orang yang akhirnya gue sakitin. Banyak kebaikan yang gak terbalas yang kadang bikin hati gue agak uhmm pas ngingetnya. But time is over now. Lemme fix my self and lemme take my own karma. I will pray for you all, that's the only things I could give.

"In happiness there's sadness. In sadness there's happiness. Life's balanced that way" (#88lovelife)

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