Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

TFIOS Vs Divergent

Gue 'baru' aja nonton film Divergent sama The fault in our stars. I know, t-e-l-a-t banget ya. Cuma mau sedikit membandingkan film dengan tokoh utama yang sama ini.

Gue lebih suka Divergent. 

Dua film ini sebenernya punya makna yang bagus. I got the red line on it. Cuma jalan cerita Divergent ternyata memang lebih bagus. Bukan mengatakan #TFIOS jelek, cuma jalan ceritanya gak banget lah. Gantung juga walaupun sedihnya dapet. Tapi gue gak ngerti sedihnya kenapa.
1. Augustus tiba-tiba kena kangker?
2. Kenapa mereka ke Amsterdam dengan undangan dari asisten/istri Petter?
3. Augustus meninggal duluan tapi gak spesifik.
4. And why a sick couple doin activity like 'that'? I mean..in Amsterdam. Gak banget

Cuma gue dapet satu pesan dari film yang dibangga-bangga kan temen-temen path gue ini. Try to love in unconditional way. You will not regrets in anything, walaupun rasa kesepian itu pasti ada. Do everything while you can do. Tapi endingnya apa? Gak dapet

Mean while, Divergent. Gue sangat suka jalan ceritanya. Membagi kehidupan dalam berbagai faksi-faksi yang mewakili diri sendiri. Dengan jalan cerita yang bikin penasaran, film ini sukses banget kalo menurut gue. Sedih nya dapet, bukan cuma sedih dengan pasangan. Orang tua, keluarga, masyarakat, orang-orang satu nasib. Yaaa dapet lah sedihnya berkelas. Heww

Gue sangat suka sama pemain cowonya. Four atau Tobias. I don't even know his real name. Karakternya keren, dan ternyata dia Divergent juga. Udah gitu gantengnya gak abis-abis lagi. Haha. Walaupun dengan ending yang masih menggantung, ya gue gak tau ujung dari kereta itu mereka bakal lompat dimana? Dan gue gak ngerti kenapa mereka gak balik ke kota mereka dan ngebangun semuanya lagi. Karna, Erutide sudah bisa dikalahkan bukan? Shit gue yang bego apa apa si :')

Intinya gue juga dapet banyak hal dari film Divergent.

Dalam kehidupan, kita gak akan bisa hidup dalam satu bidang *which is faksi* kita butuh semua bidang. Intinya semua hal memang tercipta untuk diperlukan dalam kehidupan. Kita gak bisa hanya menjadi baik, hanya menjadi jujur, hanya peduli sosial, hanya pemberani dan pintar. Kita perlu menjadi pribadi yang mendekati sempurna dengan berusaha untuk menyatukan semuanya. I mean, being divergent is great.
Dan rasa takut dalam diri kita, sebenernya hanya halusinasi yang kita buat sendiri. Tentunya kita bisa hadapi sendiri juga. Nothing impossible when you believe in your self. 

Last, kalau ditanya sukaan mana antara TFIOS Vs Divergent... pastinya gue lebih memilih Divergent. Karna banyak pesan kehidupan dan gak melulu cinta didalamnya.

Gue lagi males nulis :(

Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014

Suitable For Everyone

Welcome for everyday thoughts. Let's talk about our heart..

There's 3 main position in our heart;
1. People we loved
2. People we cared
3. People we hated

Love and hate always be the best equal couple.

People we hated, is people that basically bad for you. I mean they have nothing to make you feel great. They hurt you, and they hurt you again and when you try to love them...you absolutely couldn't accept her/him. Cause they are so suck, and you not life for please them.

People we cared. I always call them friends or even family. Cause, however you hate them, you always have a position for them. I love all my friends even they all jerk or not. I always care what happened to them, and I really don't wanna lose them. (ps:Even sometimes I hope they are gone for a moment)

People we loved. The one and only position that can break your heart and fulfill your heart too. Even they did a bad things, you always have a reason for say "Never Mind". I hate love, for sure. People that we loved, easily could hurt us even they are just accidentally say zonk.

We can hate who is the best person to be hated - who is the best person to be cared but not to be loved. We can't choose them.

Love is unfair isn't it?

So.. how to be a great person? Less hate, much love and always doing care?

Impress your haters or see in the different angle. In bad things there are always have a good things. You may hate them...a lot.....and for sure. Just never look back to them anymore! All we need is step forward and move on from what we hated. Believe me, we don't always need to forgive every people we hated. Reduce your feeling. Be a white heart person.

Give everyone love. Make everyone smile whenever they meet you. I always love to see someone smile because of me. TRY to always do a great things. 3 main keys as I said.
1. Is that true?
2. Is that kind?
3. Is that necessary?
People near you will always happy if you think about this 3 keys before you do something.

Always care. I know we all not Prudential that Always Listening and Always Understanding. JUST trying to be suitable for everyone. If someone is giving you a love. Give them back, if you can't..appreciate is enough. Never play someone's feeling. If you really want be loved from them, show them how to love first. If you show them how to hate you, they surely hate you. Give what you want to be given.

So.. which position you want? Be a loved person? Be the cared person? Be a hated person?

Sixth Sense?

Sometimes... I dream about what happened next day. What will and what's goin to be next. I wondered about something that ruins in my mind. Why we do not have a super power?

Don't laugh! I just watching Ninja Turtles couple days ago. And I think, I really need super powers too.

I wish I have a sixth sense power. Yeah, you know.. I always trapped by some people who wear 'Mask' and they really not funny. They make me think they are good at first then I know, they are bad enough even in sayin hello. People are suck. I didn't even think they are bad, but why you are so bad huh?

I wish I have a sixth sense. So I know, who is the best person to get my kindness. Seriously, I hate the way I care of every single people in my life. I always hate a good face doing a bad things like sayin you stupid in your back or things that easily hurt you. They are crazy, why they need that?

A sixth sense.

I wish I have one, and change everyone near me. Cause I hate when I put a hope in someone, and they destroy it so damn easily.

Sixth sense... Hopping someday become more brighter when we all know who is the best person for our love, who is the best person for our kindness, and even who is the best person for life. Cause I really hate the way I think "Every people are Okay"

Minggu, 03 Agustus 2014

Just Keep Going

Shit just go so real. I hate this game of life. Im not talking about what you do. I just hate what I feel. Disappointment. Why we must have a expectation? While a word can hurt us anytime?

I love being happy. Everyone must. But sometimes, being happy means that you are ready for a bad things. While happy, we have a positive mind with a good expectation. And one thing can change your mood in second. Whu happy means dead isn't it?

I always try to be a wise person. Think before speak.
1. Is that true?
2. Is that kind?
3. Is that necessary?

If not so why you still talk loud? Everyone could be hurted dude. I don't think at all...I just hate people who didn't have a wise word. Practice good manners, because manners are kindness.

I love people who always make me happy when we met. They are great. But Im afraid to be happy tho, cause some shit always happens next. You know............

That sad moment when you know its time to delete his number, delete his text, delete your memories with them, delete your feelings, delete all..forget the shits and move on. But you still give them a chance cause he was the person who could make you feel great.. even though he also brings sad.

You are great. The one who can make me unconditionally. Hm.. Im not the person who easly for forgive. But when with you..I DO. And I hate this part.

Just keep going. The word I have said maybe thousand times.

Be wise.. please be wise.